Contextual Inquiry
Contextual inquiry is a type of ethnographic field study that involves in-depth observation and interviews of a small sample of users to gain a robust understanding of work practices and behaviors.
My role
Research, Mind Mapping, Insight
6 days
Paper & pencil, Adobe Illustrator
Case Study 1: Mumbai Dabbawalas
"a system that is focused on achieving one simple goal: on-time delivery"
Work Models provide a coherent way of structuring all the collected data, revealing underlying structure.
2. Sequence Model
Detailed model of actions
Contextual inquiry is ideally conducted with the user in his own place. As this course was done during the pandemic lockdown, I used sources from the net and YouTube to collect data.
5. Physical Model
Physical Structure of the environment
3. Artifact Model
Detailed model of artifact use
4. Culture Model
Schematic of influences on workers
1. Flow Model
Overall organization and coordination
Drawing insights based off the methods of inquery
The Mumbai dabbawalas have been the very model of efficiency ever since they were founded, and the largest reason for that has been a singular goal, along with very disciplined workforce rules. A large feature of the association is the fact that they are not very open to changes, and therefore pride their age-old system even to this day. Careful examination of new technology before implimenting it. No hasty decisions. Over the years, the dabbawalas have received plenty of recommendations for increasing their revenues or improving their operations. But the suggestions are usually rejected after careful scrutiny reveals their impact.
Case Study 2: Inflight Catering
Showing 1 model in detail:
1. Flow Model
Overall organization and coordination
Purpose of Flow Model
To capture and visualize:
Roles of individuals
Communication and coordination
Mechanisms that help and hinder
Key components of flow model
These Breakdowns provide potential opportunity areas